My Final Reflections from Engaging in an Online PLC ~ My PME 810 e-Journal Entry #17
As noted in the reading by Watson, "The focus on student learning as the ultimate aim of the PLC is emphasised in the literature. Vescio et al. (2008, p. 81) stress ‘clear and consistent focus on student learning’ and reflective dialogue, which leads to ‘extensive and continuing conversations among teachers about curriculum, instruction and student development’. Nelson et al. (2010, p. 176) talk about the need to pursue ‘questions about learning goals, instructional practices, and all students’ attainment" ( Watson, C., 2012, p. 21). Upon Reflection through this past week in my online PLC, I share with you a few closing thoughts of my experience and connections to the readings that have surfaced for me: A PLC, whether online, in-person, or hybrid ,requires collaboration, active participation, risk taking and engagement by all members in order to experience true impact. "Strong PLCs are generally acknowledged not only as sharing new knowled...