What Contributions do I hope to Make and How will this influence my Professional Growth? - PME 810 e-Journal Entry #9

My goal through this experience would be to further widen my network of learning partners and to make connections with other educators.

I expect that connecting with others to learn from and receive feedback will create opportunities for growth and extend my professional journey. I plan to learn about strategies that will support and complement my role as an online learning principal. 

To this point, I have engaged in conversations by initiating questions about the participants' knowledge of curriculum conceptions and searching for articles and resources to help support my work in the online learning environment. I find that searching for relevant resources and materials in such a large group can be challenging and time consuming. I have not yet found any specific materials to help inform my day to day work. 

I do appreciate the opportunity this platform creates for professional discourse, and for deepening my reflective practices. As noted by Blitz,  "while online PLCs can facilitate individual learning and reflection (because teachers can learn at their own pace and are free to reflect on what they learn without being distracted by comments from their peers), it is not clear whether online PLCs facilitate collaboration among teachers unless moderators and facilitators are included" (Whitehouse et al., 2010 as cited by Blitz, C., 2013, p.12).

I have contributed to the discussions on this platform in the form of questions or replies. My intention is to incorporate the foundations of curriculum philosophies, conceptions and design into these discussions. 


Blitz, C. L. (2013). Can Online Learning Communities Achieve the Goals of Traditional Professional Learning Communities? What the Literature Says. REL 2013-003. Regional Educational Laboratory Mid-Atlantic.


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